Apply to the Roma Political School 2

We are thrilled to announce the call for application for the 2nd Edition of the Roma Political School! Our call remains the same, but unlike the first edition we have even more to share. So, would you like to develop a career on politics, public policy and advocacy tools? Are you proud of your identity and have the urge to […]

Call for Application: Roma Political School

A dΓ«shiron tΓ« ndΓ«rtosh njΓ« karrierΓ« nΓ« politikΓ«, politikat publike dhe mjetet e advokimit? Β  Ndihesh krenar pΓ«r identitetin tΓ« cilit i pΓ«rket dhe ke nxitjen pΓ«r tΓ« kontribuar mΓ« shumΓ« dhe mΓ« mirΓ« nΓ« nivel vendor, qendror dhe ndΓ«rkombΓ«tar? Β  AtΓ«herΓ«, kjo THIRRJE tΓ« drejtohet Ty!Β  Β  Roma Versitas Albania ka kΓ«naqΓ«sinΓ« tΓ« shpallΓ« thirrjen pΓ«r aplikime pΓ«r ShkollΓ«n […]