Open Call: Workshop Trainers

"Are you passionate about sharing your expertise and skills with Roma students? Do you have a knack for engaging and inspiring audiences? We're seeking talented individuals to join us as workshop trainers!" About Us: We aim to increase Roma student capacities, participation in education, graduation, employment, and enrollment as public servant. We aim to improve leadership skills, organize advocacy actions, [...]

Call for Application for Tertiary Students for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024

Background The project EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II constitutes a second phase of the already-implemented project during 2018-2021 by REF. During the first phase of the project, the education services provided through the seven project countries (Albania – ALB; Bosnia and Herzegovina [...]

Call for Application for Secondary High School Students for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024

Background The project EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II constitutes a second phase of the already-implemented project during 2018-2021 by REF. During the first phase of the project, the education services provided through the seven project countries (Albania – ALB; Bosnia and Herzegovina [...]

Remember the 2nd of August

REMEMBER THE 2ND OF AUGUST “We, as part of the Roma minority in Albania and on behalf of Barvalipe School Albania, the first Roma leadership school in Albania and the students of Roma Versitas Albania, are here today to commemorate and honor the victims of the Auschwitz Holocaust – Birkenau of 1944 in Nazi camps. The persecution of Roma in […]

Joint Position of Roma CSO

THE JOINT POSITION OF ROMA CIVIL SOCIETY ON THE 10TH EU ROMA PLATFORM MEETING Based on consultations with an array of Roma civil society organisations across Europe we demand that the European Commission prioritises to discuss the following trends and outcomes at the 10th EU Roma Platform, in line with the theme “Mutual accountably of all”: Growing anti-Roma politics increases […]