Invitation to Tender: Accommodation and Meals Services

Project Overview: We are seeking proposals from reputable vendors to provide accommodation and meals services for a group of 39 individuals for four days. The selected vendor will be responsible for ensuring comfortable accommodation and providing nutritious meals for the duration of the event. Scope of Work: Provide accommodation for 39 individuals for three nights. Accommodation should include at least [...]

Open Call: Workshop Trainers

"Are you passionate about sharing your expertise and skills with Roma students? Do you have a knack for engaging and inspiring audiences? We're seeking talented individuals to join us as workshop trainers!" About Us: We aim to increase Roma student capacities, participation in education, graduation, employment, and enrollment as public servant. We aim to improve leadership skills, organize advocacy actions, [...]

Open Call: Lecturer for “Rromani Akademia”

In the framework of the implementation of the project “Increasing Performance and Employability of Roma Secondary School Students in Albania - Academic Year 2023-2024 (SEC-ALB-01)", as well as the project "Increasing Access and Participation of Roma Students in Tertiary Education and Transition to Labour Market through Employability - Academic Year 2023-2024 (TER-ALB-01)", funded by the European Commission through the Directorate-General [...]

Open Call for Mentors

In the framework of the implementation of the project “Increasing Performance and Employability of Roma Secondary School Students in Albania – Academic Year 2023-2024 (SEC-ALB-01)”, as well as the project “Increasing Access and Participation of Roma Students in Tertiary Education and Transition to Labour Market through Employability – Academic Year 2023-2024 (TER-ALB-01)“, funded by the European Commission through the Directorate-General [...]

Call for Lecturers for Lectures of State Matura Subjects

In the framework of the implementation of the project "Increasing Performance and Employability of Roma Secondary School Students in Albania – Academic Year 2023-2024 (SEC-ALB-01)", as well as the project "Increasing Access and Participation of Roma Students in Tertiary Education and Transition to Labour Market through Employability – Academic Year 2023-2024 (TER-ALB-01)", funded by the European Commission through the Directorate-General [...]

Call for Application for Tertiary Students for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024

Background The project EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II constitutes a second phase of the already-implemented project during 2018-2021 by REF. During the first phase of the project, the education services provided through the seven project countries (Albania – ALB; Bosnia and Herzegovina [...]

Call for Application for Secondary High School Students for the Academic Year 2023 – 2024

Background The project EU Regional Action for Roma Education: Increased Education Support and Opportunities for Roma Students in the Western Balkans and Turkey (RARE), phase II constitutes a second phase of the already-implemented project during 2018-2021 by REF. During the first phase of the project, the education services provided through the seven project countries (Albania – ALB; Bosnia and Herzegovina [...]

Apply to the Roma Political School 2

We are thrilled to announce the call for application for the 2nd Edition of the Roma Political School! Our call remains the same, but unlike the first edition we have even more to share. So, would you like to develop a career on politics, public policy and advocacy tools? Are you proud of your identity and have the urge to […]

Call for Application: Roma Political School

A dĂ«shiron tĂ« ndĂ«rtosh njĂ« karrierĂ« nĂ« politikĂ«, politikat publike dhe mjetet e advokimit?   Ndihesh krenar pĂ«r identitetin tĂ« cilit i pĂ«rket dhe ke nxitjen pĂ«r tĂ« kontribuar mĂ« shumĂ« dhe mĂ« mirĂ« nĂ« nivel vendor, qendror dhe ndĂ«rkombĂ«tar?   AtĂ«herĂ«, kjo THIRRJE tĂ« drejtohet Ty!    Roma Versitas Albania ka kĂ«naqĂ«sinĂ« tĂ« shpallĂ« thirrjen pĂ«r aplikime pĂ«r ShkollĂ«n […]

Country Assessment Research in Albania

AN OVERVIEW OF THE SITUATIONAL, LEGAL, AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK OF VET EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN ALBANIA Executive Overview This study was developed by Roma Versitas Albania in the framework of the project "Education, Employment, Partnership, and Gender Equality: A Winning Formula for Roma in Vocational Education and Training", a project implemented by Roma Education Fund and funded by the Austrian [...]