Remember the 2nd of August


“We, as part of the Roma minority in Albania and on behalf of Barvalipe School Albania, the first Roma leadership school in Albania and the students of Roma Versitas Albania, are here today to commemorate and honor the victims of the Auschwitz Holocaust – Birkenau of 1944 in Nazi camps.

The persecution of Roma in Germany and throughout Europe began in 1933. It is very important to recall that only on the night of August 2, 1944, 2,897 Roma were killed in the most inhumane forms, including children, women, men, old men, innocent people, just from the fact that they were Roma. But the number of victims goes even higher, up to 500,000 Roma where during their stay in the camps they were tortured and experimented, an action which does not suit human nature, but on the contrary.

On 15 April 2015, the European Parliament recognised and set 2nd of August as “Rome Holocaust Memorial Day”. This decision is also supported by a statement issued by the European Commission. European countries are aware of one of the historical events and in the perspective of an integrated Albanian society it is necessary to recognize this painful history of the Roma people.

It has often happened that the information on the genocide, which was committed among the Roma, has been tried to be hidden or not widely discussed, where as a result a large number of society has no knowledge about this dark part of history, so it is very important to learn and say NEVER MORE genocide against any community, minority or individual regardless of what culture or identity it carries.

In memory of the victims and in respect of this very important day, we chose to stage one of the most infamous camps, Auschwitz – Birkenau, through an exhibition where interesting elements are shown, as a way to convey our message and where visitors have the opportunity to express their impressions on the book near the exhibition.

Already, we urge you to join us in recognizing our early and sad history, and to be aware that this history will not be repeated.

With respect,

Leaders of the school “Barvalipe School Albania”
Please go to minute 19:39