Covid-19: Impact Assessment

COVID-19 impact assessment to Roma students in Secondary and Tertiary Education

This study is an overview of the impact and externalities of Covid-19 to Roma students, the beneficiary of Roma Versitas Albania programs.


In recent weeks the situation of covid-19 has worsened. The public authorities, although they report a decrease in cases, there is an increase in fatalities. Whereas international experts claim the world is about to face a fourth wave of the virus. Roma and Egyptian minorities in Albania have been for long in the margins of society. For one year now, the virus has negatively affected the economic situation, employment, and access to Roma and Egyptian students’ online education, current beneficiaries, or Alumni of Roma Versitas Albania.


Roma Versitas Albania developed a questionnaire with around 74 Roma and Egyptian students in secondary and tertiary school about the impact of Covid-19 in their life.

Most of the students are inhabitants or resident to Tirana, followed by Durres, Fier and Delvina.

The study aims to explore the social and economic situation of the students in relation to the situation of Covid-19. Also, the access to online learning and issues encountered during the academic year.

Lastly, it explores the needs the students have addressed towards the RVA’s programs.


In Tirana, students come almost from every Administrative Unit, for instance, Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, including Kamza Municipality. Whereas in Durres, most of the students (SES and TES) come from Shkozet (Nishtulla) and Sukth (Kulla). Lastly, in Fier, from Ndermenas (Baltez), and Driza (Azotiku, Roma Village).

RVA's project/program

Roma Versitas Albania currently implements three projects, namely Secondary and Tertiary Scholarship Programs and WinForVET. Whereas, last year implemented the RomaVersitas Program. Most of the respondents in this questionnaire are current students or Alumni from the SES program (38), followed by RVP (20), and TES (14). Only two ticked WinForVET program. In total 74 respondents.

RVA's project/program

In terms of education level, most of the respondents are attending University studies (30), followed by High School (24), and VET school (18). Only two of the respondents are attending 2-years professional University.


Source of incomes

Ndihmë ekonomike
Pagesë nga aftësia e kufizuar
Pension pleqërie
I vetëpunësuar (me rregulla)
I vetëpunësuar në sektorin informal (tregti, riciklim)
Sektori publik
Punë sezonal në privat
Sektori privat (punë të rregullt)

Family members that contribute with incomes

Roma and Egyptian families with low or minimum incomes encounter unbearable challenges to support their children with additional school expenses. According to a study developed by the IRCA “Access to Basic Services in Albania”, over 60% of students admit to facing challenges to access the education system due to poverty, discrimination, and lack of orientation towards school (Institute of Romani Culture in Albania, 2020).

Whereas, Walk In My Shoes, a study with 80 Roma families revealed that the economic situation, lack of tech infrastructure, and attendance of Roma children in online classes are the main reasons for impeding them to attend school, and thus fail the semester (Ram Hadroj, 2020).

How would you assess your economic situation at this moment? (1 – very weak, 5 – very good).

Most of the Roma Versitas Albania’s recipient of scholarships and various programs come from low-income families. Of 74 respondents, only 26% declared both parents work. The majority of them, 60%, say only one of the parents’ work. On a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good), eight people claim their economic conditions are very poor, whereas most fall under poor with 45%. Only five have evaluated their economy as good. Lastly, thirty-three people think that their situation is neutral, neither poor nor good.


According to the data collected from seventy-four (74) respondents, 60% admit to have access to internet, whereas, 40% do not have access to internet. However, it is uncertain if students have running internet or regular phone packages.

Most of the students use smart phones to access online learning, the others, respectively 16% and 6% computers and tablets.



The primary and secondary education system is being implemented according to a guideline developed by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth based on three potential scenarios and combinations among these scenarios. These scenarios follow a bold pattern of reporting and monitoring each week. Every Friday, the schools, in collaboration with the Regional Education Offices, check the conditions based on the dynamic of Covid-19 and, depending on its development, chooses one of three scenarios for the next week and so forth. However, the tertiary education system remains closed and operates online.

Currently, the Ministry is applying scenario two, which refers to a combination of alternatives. Teaching is combined at school and online based on three alternatives: complying with all hygiene and physical distancing regulations (MINISTRIA E ARSIMIT, SPORTIT DHE RINISË AGJENCIA E SIGURIMIT TË CILËSISË SË ARSIMIT PARAUNIVERSITAR, 2020).

How do you attend online learning?

The platforms student use for online learning?

In a nutshell, lack of access to tech and illiteracy impeded many Roma families, including students from SE and TE, to access digitalized services online, says IRCA study.

Most of the respondents are not satisfied with the online learning process, whereas 23 of them seem neutral. Only five (5) feel satisfied with the online education system. Online learning has a few drawbacks. For instance, Students encounter tech and internet connection breakdown. A few of the students complain about not doing work lab, which is required for their profiles. Online learning is not as dynamic as in physical auditor, and it is challenging and exhausting online.

On the other hand, professors are not responsive enough to online platforms. Some students state that some teachers do not take teaching seriously or cannot explain aspects or concepts in distance learning. Sometimes, teachers and lecturers do not enter on time in the zoom, and students have to wait. Besides, group work is another issue that is not done correctly. Also, students are not satisfied with the performance of their teachers.

Moreover, some students complain that their education requires more practice than theory. Additionally, they state that they receive too much information and cannot focus entirely on the learning process, particularly from smartphones. That mentioned, there are many of the students that share the same tech with their siblings. Sometimes, they even miss the virtual classes.

Nevertheless, 23-28 out of 74 students says that online or combined teaching is not the best alternative, but a remedy to not skip the school.

To sum up, combined learning, according to a few students, has advantages and disadvantages. One of which has shortened or cut the expenses for rent, transport, and stationary. However, on the other hand, time dedicated to the students is not satisfactory. Lastly, it penalizes students that need to use labs.

Recommendations from students

  • Mentoring and tutoring classes.
  • Advocacy to the local authorities to build the damaged school in SHKOZET District due to the earthquake.
  • Training and workshops to guide students toward career and the labour market.
  • Tech equipment (Lap-Top, Tablet)
  • Financial support (stationery, books, transport, rent, printing, food packages)



Institute of Romani Culture in Albania. (2020). Roma Access to Basic Social Services in Albania. Gjetur në


Ram Hadroj. (2020, Dhjetor). Ndikime dhe pasoja e COVID-19 në arsimin e fëmijëve dhe të rinjve Rom në Shqipëri. Gjetur në